This is A Wide Open Space
I invite you on the journey
God is always speaking.
He's always revealing Himself to gently and strategically fashion us more and more
into the image of His Son Jesus. I wish to unearth treasures found in the fields of the Wide Open Space that is life in the generous confines of the grace of God.
And I would love to have a friend on this great adventure.
Take a deep breath with me, throw your arms out wide, and stride freely.
This is A Wide Open Space.
Let your love oh God shape my life with salvation... exactly as you promised.
- Psalm 119:41 (MSG)​
Long before He laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love...
-Ephesians 1:4 (MSG)
Devotionals: Season 2
My name is Amber.
I'm a wife and mommy and follower of Jesus. I'm trying not to take myself too seriously. I linger in conversation, drink too much coffee, take photos for fun, and have recently started calling myself 'a runner' (what on earth...). I love stories, and I love the long journey of discovering more and more who Jesus is. I'm a worship leader, licensed minister, and occasional Bible teacher. I also hold a Masters of Theological Studies.